I had never experienced the day stand still. Right now it did; gracing me with one last opportunity to think this act through. But what exactly is there for me to think through again other than how life has been so foggy and hopeless-which was the chief reason why I was standing on the chair with a rope, knotted firmly to the ceiling, looped around my neck. So I pushed it away: my one last opportunity to act like someone who is sane, or better still, what was thought to be sanity. My state would be considered insanity, but the level of insanity would not give me the jump I needed; the strength I needed to do away with the chair and finish it like I wanted to some hours ago. There was no getting down from this chair, no backing down now. All I needed to do was to push the chair aside. I saw it as being determined, but others might see it as stupidity and stubbornness- mama especially. Why was she coming up at a time like this? Sweet, amiable and easy-going mama. How many times ...